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reference tests
Radonova receives top marks in French radon measurement intercomparison test Measurement

Radonova receives top marks in French radon measurement intercomparison test

Radonova Laboratories has achieved excellent results in a comparative reference test carried out by the French state body IRSN (institute de Radioprotection et sureté nucléaire). Radonova participated in the test with its Radtrak2 detector – an alpha track detector used for long term measurement – and were awarded the best results of all participating companies. In the current reference test,…
Darren Cottom
December 1, 2020
Workplace measurement: How to avoid unnecessary remeasurements
Workplace measurement: How to avoid unnecessary remeasurements Measurement

Workplace measurement: How to avoid unnecessary remeasurements

We are at the beginning of the radon measurement season in most European countries, so we thought it would be helpful to provide some tips on how to reduce the risk of remeasurement. Bear in mind that the main cost involving radon measurement relates to the time it takes to place and collect radon detectors. Also take into account the…
Darren Cottom
November 16, 2020
On-off personal dosimetry
A Guide to Understanding Radon Dosimetry Measurement

A Guide to Understanding Radon Dosimetry

This is a brief introduction to radon dosimetry which describes what it is and when and how to use it. It has been put together with the help of Radonova's radon laboratory experts. Feel free to contact them if you have any questions or want more detailed information.  What is the difference between conventional radon measurement and using a radon dosimeter? Normally, when measuring for radon, radon levels in a room are analysed using a radon detector or radon instrument, with…
Thomas Chauvin
October 27, 2020
Workplace measurement: How to avoid unnecessary remeasurements
Should I be worried about temporarily high radon levels? HomeMeasurement

Should I be worried about temporarily high radon levels?

Radon levels in a house can vary considerably over 24 hours, and will be different depending on the day you take the measurement. However, if you consider the possibility of being exposed to elevated radon levels over a 10 to 20 year period, then the risk of developing lung cancer increases. Therefore, don’t worry about temporarily elevated radon levels just…
Thomas Chauvin
October 13, 2020
Frequently asked questions about radon measurement in workplaces
Frequently asked questions about radon measurement in workplaces MeasurementWorkplace

Frequently asked questions about radon measurement in workplaces

Frequently asked questions about radon measurement in workplaces We thought it would be helpful to answer some of the most common questions asked about radon measurement in workplaces. Radon and health risks Radon is a decomposition product from uranium found in our bedrock. Because it is gas, it can leak into buildings through the ground. Depending on the building's construction…
Thomas Chauvin
September 15, 2020
Radonova launches new software to simplify radon measurement during working hours Workplace

Radonova launches new software to simplify radon measurement during working hours

To simplify radon measurement in workplaces, Radonova has developed new software which works with radon instruments to make it easier to measure and analyze radon levels during the working day. “There is increased demand for both accredited long-term measurements at workplaces and radon measurements during working hours. In order to quickly obtain an annual average value and meet this need,…
Thomas Chauvin
August 18, 2020
How Radonova provides optimal radon measurement quality
How Radonova provides optimal radon measurement quality Measurement

How Radonova provides optimal radon measurement quality

Radonova has always strived to scrupulously respect the regulatory requirements of all the countries in which we carry out radon measurements to ensure our customers receive a high quality of service. We meticulously take care to maintain our ISO17025 accreditation, participate in inter-comparative tests, while methodically following the measurement protocols defined by various national authorities. At the same time, we…
Thomas Chauvin
July 7, 2020
New Builds – the importance of measuring for radon in soil Measurement

New Builds – the importance of measuring for radon in soil

When radon is being discussed, it frequently revolves around levels of radon in soil. This is not surprising. Radon leaking or being sucked from the ground is the cause of elevated indoor radon levels in 80 per cent of affected properties. However, it is important to note that radon content in the soil where the building is located, does not…
Thomas Chauvin
June 23, 2020
Melker Lindberg
Seasonal workers are crucial to Radonova’s operations   Measurement

Seasonal workers are crucial to Radonova’s operations  

Radon measurement is largely seasonal, with May being the peak. But even from October, there are many days when thousands of detectors are sent to customers and then returned for analysis. To cope with the peaks across the year, seasonal staff play a pivotal role in Radonova's ongoing operations. We had a chat with 25-year-old Melker Lindberg who is now finishing his first season at Radonova.   What made you look for a job as a seasonal worker at Radonova?…
Thomas Chauvin
June 9, 2020