Radonova, the global leader in radon measurement, is proudly partnering with Take Action on Radon to supply Radtrak² radon gas detectors for the 100 Radon Test Kit Challenge.
What is the 100 Radon Test Kit Challenge?
The objective of the campaign is to gather more information about radon concentrations across Canada to increase knowledge and better understand concentration levels. The challenge targets municipalities where radon testing has thus far been limited, but where there is a potential for homes to have elevated radon levels. With the support of Health Canada, the project has already met it’s 2019 goal of singing up 15 communities. The program provides 100 test kits to each participating municipality, to be distributed to citizens for free or for a nominal fee. Each community needs to have a Community Liaison to take on this project to provide local support. Sign up here if you’re interested in becoming a community champion and joining the challenge for 2019-2020 fall and winter season.
Developing awareness about radon
“Many Canadians still don’t know that radon is the leading cause of lung cancer in non-smokers,” says Pam Warkentin, Executive Director of the Canadian Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists (CARST), and Project Manager for Take Action on Radon. “Reducing radon exposure saves lives, and the 100 Test Kit Challenge is a great way for a community to come together and address this risk.”
Radon is a colourless, odourless, radioactive gas created by the natural decay of uranium in the soil. A measurable amount of radon is found in every building, but exposure to high amounts over a long period of time presents a risk of lung cancer. Radon is the primary cause of lung cancer in non-smokers – Health Canada estimates that about 16% of lung cancer deaths are related to exposure to radon in the home. However, all homes can be tested for radon and radon levels can be reduced if they are found to be high.
Long term testing
Radtrak² is Radonova’s long-term radon gas detector which measures homes and workplaces for radon gas over a sustained period. As radon levels fluctuate from day to day, the long term test method captures radon concentrations over time to provide a better, more accurate and representative average radon gas level. Long term radon testing is also recommended by Health Canada.
Bill Rounds, President of Radonova, said: “The 100 Test Kit Challenge is an excellent example of a project that engages communities to participate and encourage radon testing, and raise much needed public awareness of the dangers of radon exposure in those areas of Canada where testing has been limited. Do not underestimate radon, it is a global health problem that is estimated to cause 230,000 cases of lung cancer each year¹. Living with high levels of radon is an unnecessary health risk. Elevated radon levels in the home can easily be reduced, but first you have to test.”
Who is Take Action on Radon?
Take Action on Radon is a national initiative which brings together radon stakeholders and raises awareness of radon across Canada. The current advisory team is made up of the Canadian Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists (CARST), CAREX Canada, and the Canadian Cancer Society. The success of this initiative hinges on the participation and dedication of hundreds of radon stakeholders coast to coast – from radon professionals and community champions to radon researchers, public health officials, and programs at the municipal, provincial, and federal levels.
Radonova is the laboratory of choice for numerous government radon surveys, as well as other public and private sector large scale measurement contracts around the world. A truly global laboratory, Radonova is active in over 50 countries and has performed millions of measurements.
For more information on radon and radon measurement click here.
For more information, please contact Bill Rounds, President of Radonova
Phone: +1.331.814.2201, E-mail: bill.rounds@radonova.com
¹ Environmental Health Perspectives, 31 May 2018, https://ehp.niehs.nih.gov/doi/10.1289/EHP2503.