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How do you measure radon?

Radon is a so-called “inert” gas that is also radioactive. It emits ionising radiation. If people suffer excessive exposure to this radiation in their workplace or at home, it can lead to cell damage and therefore to cancer. Radon is responsible for up to 14% of all cases of lung cancer in the world. So measurements are crucial. Radon comes…
David Hällström
February 8, 2019

Ecotrak® – radon measurement in soil

Radonova launches a new product for safe radon monitoring in soil Radonova Laboratories is launching a new detector that makes it safer and easier to monitor radon in soil. The new Ecotrak® detector can be used ahead of new builds and property modernisations and provides quick, reliable information on the amount of radon in the soil being tested. Unlike other…
David Hällström
February 5, 2019

Radon measurement season in full swing

On 1 October the radon measurement season got under way in Sweden. You can actually measure radon all year round, but if you want an annual average for radon levels in your home or workplace, you have to measure them over the course of at least two months during the winter when heating systems are on. In Sweden this is…
Darren Cottom
February 4, 2019

Why is radon dangerous?

You often carry out a radon measurement when buying houses and properties. But what is radon and why do you need to measure it and why is it dangerous? Radon is dangerous Radon is an element with atomic number 86 and chemical symbol Rn. It is a so-called “inert” gas, which means that the element radon does not readily react…
David Hällström
January 25, 2019

Vintage Illuminated Watches, Clocks and Dials Emitting Radon

In the beginning of the 20th century, scientists developed a way to mix “radium 226” with paint. This created ‘radioluminescent paint’. This breakthrough led to the new product being applied to clocks and telephones. Even airplane instrumentation panels (all now considered to be vintage), enabling the devices to glow in the dark. However the new approach led to unforeseen circumstances.…
Darren Cottom
January 11, 2019

Acquisition of Gammadata provides Radonova with a Complete Program for Radon Measurement

By acquiring the radon measurement instrument division of Gammadata Instruments, Radonova Laboratories has further strengthened its position as a world leader in home and workplace radon measurement. Through the acquisition, Radonova has added several advanced instruments and products to its portfolio. Broadening its range of radon measurement technologies. By offering a comprehensive program for radon measurement, Radonova is responding to…
David Hällström
January 7, 2019

Radon Entry Points – Basement

Below Grade WindowsSump PumpCracks in Foundation WallsFootingCracks in Concrete SlabFloor DrainsSupport PostsMany homes have basement areas. Whether finished or not there is always a potential for radon to enter your home through the basement. Not all homes will have every radon entry point shown, but the image shows the most common ones. Any one of these entry points could contribute to a…
David Hällström
December 28, 2018
New calculator simplifies radon measurement in the workplace

Radon can be a health risk in ordinary workplaces

Workplace radon is a so-called “inert" gas that emits ionising radiation, which means that radon is radioactive. Therefore it is also a potent risk. Ionising radiation can cause damage to cells, which in turn leads to illnesses such as cancer. Lung cancer is the most common form of cancer that can be caused by radon. Radon gas is an element…
David Hällström
December 14, 2018
reference tests

Radonova’s radon measurements get top marks from Europe’s leading radiation protection body

Radonova Laboratories has achieved excellent results in reference tests. The reference tests was finally conducted by the German Federal Office For Radiation Protection (Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz - BfS). Comparative tests of four different radon samples show us that Radonova's results in all cases differ. This with less than ten percent from the respective reference value. The BfS is Europe’s leading…
Karl Nilsson
November 2, 2018