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Record breaking month for Radonova’s laboratory – 34,000 detectors analyzed in one week

May is always Radonova’s busiest period. This year, the world's leading radon laboratory broke records in the number of detectors processed. During a single week in May, Radonova handled approximately 34,000 received detectors. After a couple of years where the pandemic limited the ability to measure for radon, there is now great global demand for radon measurements. Oscar Wännerud, who…
Darren Cottom
May 24, 2022

Which digital radon instrument should I choose?

Before choosing a digital radon instrument, you should first decide whether to use a radon detector or a digital radon instrument. There are pros and cons to both options. By first evaluating your own requirements, it becomes easier to choose the right one. A radon detector does not show radon content in real time. However, by placing radon detectors in…
Darren Cottom
May 4, 2022

How effective are radon maps and what do they represent?

In many countries across the world, authorities have designed a wide variety of national radon maps that are used to illustrate radon priority areas. A recent paper published by Eric Petermann, Peter Bossew, and Bernd Hoffmann from BfS, Germany, questions the effectiveness of radon maps and whether they are having the desired impact on the public. Understanding radon maps Radon…
Darren Cottom
May 3, 2022
HomeMeasurementMulti family buildingNews

Radonova adds EcoQube to Product Portfolio – digital radon measurement for homes and apartments

Radonova has added EcoQube, developed by Ecosense Inc, to its world leading radon measurement product suite. EcoQube is an affordable measuring instrument for home and apartment owners who want to measure changeable radon levels during the day or night. EcoQube provides customers with real time insights into hourly fluctuations of radon levels. This is not possible with other consumer instruments,…
March 23, 2022

Radonova’s new web application makes radon measurement even easier

In January, Radonova launched a new version of "My pages". In the new version, users get even more opportunities to control and adapt processes and reporting based on their own requirements. Customers can now track their orders in real time and create their own report sheet, while gaining access to significantly more information than was previously available. It will also…
February 14, 2022

Study shows substantial differences in radon levels between Canada and Sweden

An extensive study conducted at the University of Calgary and published in the scientific nature journal Scientific Reports, shows significant differences between Sweden and Canada in relation to radon levels in houses built in 1980 and later. A team of architects, radon experts and cancer researchers have found that the average radon gas levels in new homes is 467% higher…
Darren Cottom
November 30, 2021