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Upcoming radon events in the UK: IRMA and UK Radon Association Symposium

By February 16, 2023News

Two important radon events will take place in the UK in March: the IRMA and the UK Radon Association Symposium. Save the dates: 22nd and 23rd of March.

The events will take place at the Crowne Plaza Reading, Caversham Bridge, Richfield Ave, Reading. You can find more information and how to register in the following link:

IRMA Workshop– Protocols For Radon Measurements In Workplaces

IRMA stands for International Radon Measurement Association. IRMA brings together radon measurement laboratories that have high quality measurement standards and work with ISO 17025 accreditation standards.

The IRMA workshop is the first event organized by the association and will bring together a pool of international experts.

The event will focus on radon measurements at workplaces and Maria Hansen, the chair of IRMA, will present the guideline developed by the association to help users with radon measurements at workplaces: how many detectors to use, where to deploy detectors, how to perform the analysis, etc.

Other relevant speakers will be experts coming from ERA (Per Nilsson, ERA’s President), Dr. Zornitza Daraktchieva (UKSHA), and David Lenden (RPA, RPMatters, UK).

UKRA Radon Symposium

On the 23rd UKRA will provide its annual symposium that will cover different topics such as new radon maps, updates from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), and the latest research into the health effects from exposure to radon.

One of the key speakers will be Dr. Aaron Goodarzi from Canada. Dr. Goodarzi is a world-wide recognised radon expert that will deliver a presentation about the science behind the dangerous effects of radon exposure.

The second part of the symposium will tackle the issue of housing associations and radon risk. This is a trending topic and involves issues regarding energy costs and assignment of responsibilities

Exhibitions – Radonova at the UK radon events

Radonova will be one of the golden exhibitors at the event. Maria Hansen and José – Luis Gutiérrez Villanueva will attend the symposium and present the recent developments of Radonova such as SPIRIT, ATMOS, Radtrak3, and more.

Please join us and visit our booth. We will be very happy to visit with you and answer all your questions.

See you in Reading in March!

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