Through a new agreement, Radonova becomes the Scandinavian distributor for the radon instrument RAD8. The instrument is specifically developed for measurement with a short response time in humid and challenging environments such as tunnels and mines. RAD8 is IP67 rated and weighs just over 3 kilograms, which is unique and considerably smaller than other common instruments.
RAD8’s light weight and other features make it particularly convenient when the instrument needs to be transported or carried around during inspections.
RAD8 is a rugged instrument that is easy and convenient to take down into tunnels and mines. “This makes it a perfect instrument for contractors and others who need to quickly scan the radon content in an environment to determine if measurement with personal dosimetry should be conducted. With special accessories, RAD8 also has the capacity to measure both soil radon and radon in water,” says Dag Sedin, senior advisor and product manager at Radonova.
“The instrument is particularly useful in our part of the world where we have plenty of uranium in the bedrock, which can make underground work particularly risky. Especially as we have a large number of tunnels and mines where the working environment needs to be secured. With RAD8, it’s also possible to distinguish the thoron gas that often exists when measuring below ground level. The instrument can discriminate away the thoron content by 100 percent and also estimate the thoron content, plus/minus 30 percent,” continues Dag Sedin.
RAD8 was first launched in March 2023 in the United States. The new agreement signed with Radonova’s supplier Durridge makes them their most important partner for Scandinavia, including exclusivity in Norway and Denmark.
Brief facts about RAD8:
- Measurement range up to 2,500,000 Bq/m3
- Multiple communication interfaces: 2 USB, Wi-Fi, COM, and AUX
- The instrument can measure thoron gas without being contaminated for the next measurement
- Quick for soil radon measurements with a normal response time of 30 minutes
- Water-resistant (IP67) even with the lid open and has a MIL-spec’d (standard in the USA) case
- IATA-compatible rechargeable battery allows RAD8 to operate for three days without interruption (even with the pump function activated)
- The instrument has improved, user-friendly, and intuitive software with the ability to save data in cloud services.