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radon expert
Radon Workshop – Radonova’s measurement expert attends IAEA meeting NewsMeasurement

Radon Workshop – Radonova’s measurement expert attends IAEA meeting

Radon issues call for international coordination As part of the work of improving coordination and contributing to more uniform processes for analysing and measuring radon, the IAEA recently organised a radon workshop in Sarajevo. José-Luis Gutiérrez Villanueva from the Swedish company Radonova was present as a specialist in radon measurement. We put some questions to José-Luis, who is one of Europe’s leading…
Karl Nilsson
October 19, 2018
Radonova launches new web application - Radonline
Radonova launches new web application News

Radonova launches new web application

Radonova launches new web application Information in real time and a completely new interface Radonova Laboratories is launching a new version of its web application for customers and partners – RadOnline. The new web application has a completely new and intuitive user interface. It gives users secure access to reports, measurement jobs and other data, all updated in real time.…
Karl Nilsson
October 1, 2018
Buildings and radon HomeMulti family building

Buildings and radon

It is important to measure radon regardless of where you live There are many radon maps that classify areas according to their radon exposure. Consequently, many people do not measure radon because they think they live in a radon-free area, but that is wrong. Radon exposure affects almost all people and considerable local differences can exist within the residential areas.…
Matrasses have high levels of radon gas in Korea News

Matrasses have high levels of radon gas in Korea

A recent news published in a Korean newspaper has drawn international attention: bed matrasses may be a source of radon gas The radioactive Korean matrasses In May 2018, the Korean government confirmed high levels of radon gas exhalation in some beds. Due to that, some beds could be a source of radon gas. Are matrasses dangerous? First investigations found out…