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Karl Nilsson

Radonova Expands European Footprint – Thomas Chauvin Heads-Up New French Division News

Radonova Expands European Footprint – Thomas Chauvin Heads-Up New French Division

Radonova Laboratories continues to expand and has appointed Thomas Chauvin. Thomas will be responsible for the company's sales, business development and partnerships in the French market. Thomas brings extensive industry experience to the new French operation, enabling Radonova to make inroads into the growing demand for radon measurement and analysis in France. The announcement of the new division is another…
Karl Nilsson
August 20, 2019
Short-term measurement
Short-term measurement of radon: the right choice when selling a house Home

Short-term measurement of radon: the right choice when selling a house

Radon is an issue that frequently crops up in connection with the sale of a house. When time pressures are a factor and quick decisions are needed, up-to-date and reliable measurement of radon levels in the home is often overlooked. One solution in these cases may be short-term measurement. Correctly performed short-term measurement provides both buyer and seller with an…
Karl Nilsson
April 24, 2019
Finland ahead of the rest of Europe Workplace

Finland ahead of the rest of Europe

-Radon measurement in the workplace is commonplace  It’s not just in school education that Finland is ahead of the rest of Europe. When it comes to measuring radon in workplaces, they are a step ahead there too. Measuring radon in Finnish workplaces has been commonplace for a number of years for Radonova’s partner Suomen radonhallinta.   Even before the new Radiation…
Karl Nilsson
March 13, 2019
Benjamin Portin sees opportunities at Radonova News

Benjamin Portin sees opportunities at Radonova

Settling into a new job isn’t always easy. Benjamin Portin, however, has quickly become a part of Radonova Laboratories. After starting as a temporary worker at Radonova, Benjamin now works full-time in the company’s production and analysis department. “Naturally, it helps that, in my case, I worked at Radonova while I was studying. But I get the feeling that this…
Karl Nilsson
February 19, 2019
“It’s time the new Radiation Protection Act for workplaces is taken seriously” NewsWorkplace

“It’s time the new Radiation Protection Act for workplaces is taken seriously”

Sweden’s new Radiation Protection Act came into force on 1 June 2018. Now the country’s employers have to be aware of the radon levels in our workplaces. Employers also have to take action that may reasonably be required to tackle radon levels over the hygienic limit value of 200 Bq/m³. What are your impressions since the law came in? Unfortunately,…
Karl Nilsson
February 13, 2019
reference tests
Radonova’s radon measurements get top marks from Europe’s leading radiation protection body NewsMeasurement

Radonova’s radon measurements get top marks from Europe’s leading radiation protection body

Radonova Laboratories has achieved excellent results in reference tests. The reference tests was finally conducted by the German Federal Office For Radiation Protection (Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz - BfS). Comparative tests of four different radon samples show us that Radonova's results in all cases differ. This with less than ten percent from the respective reference value. The BfS is Europe’s leading…
Karl Nilsson
November 2, 2018
radon expert
Radon Workshop – Radonova’s measurement expert attends IAEA meeting NewsMeasurement

Radon Workshop – Radonova’s measurement expert attends IAEA meeting

Radon issues call for international coordination As part of the work of improving coordination and contributing to more uniform processes for analysing and measuring radon, the IAEA recently organised a radon workshop in Sarajevo. José-Luis Gutiérrez Villanueva from the Swedish company Radonova was present as a specialist in radon measurement. We put some questions to José-Luis, who is one of Europe’s leading…
Karl Nilsson
October 19, 2018