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Jonas Paulsrud

Benjamin Portin Joins Radonova’s North American Headquarters News

Benjamin Portin Joins Radonova’s North American Headquarters

To address Radonova’s growth in the North American market, Benjamin Portin has been promoted to the Consumer Products Manager and relocated to Radonova’s Lombard, Illinois headquarters. In this position, he will manage the business-to-consumer market segments which have experienced increased demand from extensive radon awareness initiatives throughout the United States and Canada. Benjamin joined Radonova Laboratories, A.B. in Uppsala Sweden…
Jonas Paulsrud
December 3, 2024
Spanish National Workshop on Radon
Radonova Strengthens the Fight Against Radon About RadonNews

Radonova Strengthens the Fight Against Radon

Radonova actively works to reduce the harmful effects of radon through international collaborations and research. A recent example is the company's participation in Spain’s national Radon R&D&I Workshop focused on radon research and development. The event, held November 11–13 at the Canfranc Laboratory in the Pyrenees, brought together researchers, organizations, and policymakers to discuss solutions to radon-related health risks. Collaboration…
Jonas Paulsrud
November 27, 2024
New talent at Radonova
Radonova creates opportunities for young talent News

Radonova creates opportunities for young talent

At Radonova, the door is always open to talent and ambitious employees who want to grow in their professional role. The latest to join the team is Maroua Elazizi, who started her internship at Radonova's French operation in September. Maroua is studying for a Bachelor's degree in Digital Marketing and Customer Relations at Excelia in La Rochelle. Thomas Chauvin, responsible…
Jonas Paulsrud
November 12, 2024
Cluster IAQ
Radonova becomes strategic partner in Spanish Cluster IAQ News

Radonova becomes strategic partner in Spanish Cluster IAQ

Cluster IAQ is a Spanish network that brings together companies and organizations to promote innovations and solutions in Indoor Air Quality (IAQ). The network combines expertise from different sectors to improve indoor air quality and reduce exposure to airborne pollutants. Radonova has now become the first radon measurement partner to join Cluster IAQ. Despite being based in Spain, the network's…
Jonas Paulsrud
November 5, 2024
How Dangerous is Radon? About Radon

How Dangerous is Radon?

Radon is an invisible and odorless gas that enters homes and workplaces without us noticing. Although it is naturally occurring, it can pose a serious health risk if people are exposed to elevated levels for a prolonged period. But what is radon, how dangerous is it, and what can be done to protect oneself? In this article, we will explore…
Jonas Paulsrud
October 29, 2024
Radonova, Portugal
Radonova’s international expansion continues with new partner in Portugal News

Radonova’s international expansion continues with new partner in Portugal

Radonova has signed a new cooperation agreement with Portuguese Radinov, making Radinov Radonova's local partner and dealer in Portugal. Radinov has a long history of working with radiation protection and now expects to expand the business within radon measurements, especially in workplaces. The company is headquartered in Porto. With a partner and dealer in Portugal, Radonova's expansion continues on the…
Jonas Paulsrud
October 28, 2024
Vanda J at IEA
Radonova at the IEA symposium in Orlando MeasurementWorkplace

Radonova at the IEA symposium in Orlando

In September, Radonova participated in the IEA (Indoor Environments Association, formerly AARST) symposium in Orlando. The event is the industry's leading forum for exchanging knowledge about indoor environments and the health risks posed by radon and vapor intrusion. The symposium presented new research and technologies to address these problems and improve air quality in buildings. One of Radonova's contributors to…
Jonas Paulsrud
October 22, 2024
ARMON at ICOS 2024
ARMON attracts attention in the scientific community MeasurementNews

ARMON attracts attention in the scientific community

Radonova's high-tech instrument ARMON has generated interest in the scientific community. The instrument, which was developed to measure radon in the atmosphere, will ultimately help researchers to better understand climate change. Measuring the radioactive radon gas content in the atmosphere provides an understanding of how greenhouse gases spread. At the ICOS Science Conference in Paris, Radonova's José-Luis Gutiérrez Villanueva and…
Jonas Paulsrud
October 1, 2024
What is radon?
What is radon? About Radon

What is radon?

Radon is a natural, radioactive gas where elevated concentrations can pose a serious health risk. In fact, radon is the second most common cause of lung cancer after smoking. It is estimated to cause 3 to 14 percent of all lung cancer cases in the world, depending on where you live and how much radon you are exposed to. Since…
Jonas Paulsrud
September 25, 2024