Interest in “European Radon Week” has surpassed all previous levels, making it one of the standout dates in the calendar for national authorities, the scientific radon community, industry and all other experts interested in radon. The conference, held in Vienna from 24-28 February, has been sold out for many months. The event is supported by the European Radon Association (ERA), the European Commission and Europe’s largest radon project, MetroRADON.
This year’s program includes presentations on research conducted by MetroRADON – a project funded by the European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research (EMPIR). Attendees will also be provided with an update on the new EURATOM BSS directive and how it is progressing in individual European countries.
– The Vienna conference is without doubt one of the most important events this year. This is where European researchers, authorities and companies gather to exchange experiences and share knowledge. The conference is also important as it enables various stakeholders to identify which areas require further research and study. The event is renowned for developing and introducing common methods and standards in radon measurement, comments Radonova’s José-Luis Gutiérrez Villanueva, secretary of the ERA.
– As the world’s leading radon laboratory, Radonova will continue to play an active role in any international research which highlights the dangers of radon exposure. By sharing our knowledge and experience which we gather from various countries, we are able to contribute important data and research which ensures that measurement techniques and analysis of radon remains at a very high standard, says Karl Nilsson, CEO of Radonova Laboratories.
The conference will present a number of research projects and new solutions aimed at reducing the harmful effects of radon. In addition, Radonova will present on the challenges it faced and lessons learnt in communicating the risk of radon in Sweden.
More information about European Radon Week 2020 can be found here»
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