Radonova Laboratories has appointed Patrik Nöteberg, an experienced radon specialist, who will be responsible for the company’s strategic growth in Germany. Like many other European countries, Germany has introduced new stringent national rules as a result of EURATOM Directive BSS 59/2013. This means that the demand for reliable, flexible and cost-effective radon measurements will increase. In addition to measuring radon in housing, the German market will now have a major focus on workplace measurements.
Except for the mining industry, awareness of the health implications of radon exposure has been relatively low in Germany. However, due to Germany’s large population about 1,900 civilians are estimated to die from radon-related lung cancer each year. Across Europe, Radonova is committed to ensuring that the general public fully understands the implications of radon levels in both their homes and workplaces.
Process, service and quality are crucial in eradicating radon
“Geographically, it’s typically in the southern and eastern parts of the country that ground radon is a problem. With new laws and regulations, the demand for professional consultants who can provide expert measurement and analysis will increase. I am delighted to join a company that is at the forefront of radon measurement technologies. In addition to technical innovation, Radonova excels in terms of standards, processes and support, providing a comprehensive solution to customers. These are crucial factors when you look to approach a large and technically mature market such as Germany”, comments Patrik Nöteberg.
“Being raised and educated in Germany, Patrik has crucial local knowledge which is essential as we continue to establish our service in the German market. We already have a presence, but with Patrik onboard our expansion plans will speed up. Patrik’s knowledge of the German culture and sales process are vital as we continue to expand our presence across Europe”, comments Karl Nilsson, CEO of Radonova Laboratories.
Patrik Nöteberg holds a master’s degree in physics (measurement technology) and has vast experience in international technical sales and support. In addition to Germany, Patrik will also be responsible for Radonova’s growth in Switzerland and Austria.
What is radon?
Radon is a radioactive gas that leaks from the ground and in some cases comes from building materials. Depending on the ground beneath the house and the type of building construction, harmful high concentrations of radon can occur. Radon is a health risk that, after smoking, is the most common cause of lung cancer.
Globally, an estimated 230 000 people are affected by lung cancer each year as a result of long-term exposure to radon. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) 3% – 14% of all lung cancer cases are caused by radon depending on where you live. WHO recommends a limit value for radon content of 100 Bq/m³.
About Radonova
Radonova is the laboratory of choice for numerous government radon surveys, as well as other public and private sector large scale measurement contracts around the world. A truly global laboratory, Radonova is active in over 50 countries and has performed millions of measurements.
For more information about radon and radon measurement visit www.radonovalaboratories.com
For more information, contact Karl Nilsson, CEO Radonova Laboratories AB
Phone: 070-639 01 31, Email: karl.nilsson@radonova.com